currently i listened to this song repeatedly~


Saat ku ucap kata taubat
Sebelum Kau memanggilku
Kembali padaMu
Menutup waktuku

Jika ku serukan namaMu
Sebelum nyawa dalam tubuhku
Kau ambil
Kembali padaMu

Karena ku tahu
Hanyalah pada diriMu
Tempatku mengadu
Tempatku mengeluh

Dan demi nafas
Yang telah kau hembuskan
Dalam kehidupanku
Ku berjanji
Ku akan menjadi yang terbaik
Jalankan segala perintahMu
Menjauh di segala laranganMu
Adalah sebaris doa ku untukMu

Back to *
Back to **
Back to Reff 2x

Saat ku ucap kata taubat
Sebelum kau memanggilku

ctnaquia esir
Salam Alaik




bestnya klu ade kt rumah..
ley wat suprise utk abah
tidak hari ini, pasti ada hari lain
selagi umur dipanjangkan

dalam keadaan agak tidak sihat ini
i remember something

and of course
it refer to


This are my fav Big Apple's Donut

tertelan air liur tgk gmbr2 ni
mostly my fav berasaskan choc n cheese rupanya

masa blk msia ritu
tataula berapa dozen mkn..
haha..sedap sgt!!
tp ley plk turun 8kg??

napa kt cni ley nek kilo blk??..oh! (-_-")!

ctnaquia esir
Salam Alaik

Hari ini sgt panjang je rasa
Hari ini juga tetiba sgt sejuk
Kelas pon full
[alhamdulillah i attend all the classes, no ponteng2~]
walaupon perut da lapar thp 'meraung2' craving for food

Paling best, waktu SSC..
Doc bagi Marking Sheet mock OSCE ritu..
bler tgk sheet tuh...
If im not that freaky nervous that time..
InsyaAllah i could do better!!
tp tape...
i've learned lot of things during mock exam
n bler bincang2 dengan doc apa perlu dibuat dll
baru paham, baru jelas
InsyaAllah, i'll do my very best in Final OSCE!!
n for other papers too also~~

tiket da ade...
skrg kne bljr sungguh2 je..
pastu boleh enjoy holiday to the fullest!!..

ctnaquia esir

Salam Alaik

I went for a trip last Thursday
And i would like to share the most precious moment for me there


No words can describe how beautiful the scenery are..
Its really amazing!





ctnaquia esir

Salam Alaik

just want to wish




ucapan khas da disampaikan pada mereka, tidak perlu utk ditayangkan. Family Matters
Btw, lawak jgk time call umi n baba td. Why? Family Matters jgk
hee (^_^)v

i could hear the happiness voice of my mom already
she is excited, and same goes to baba
busy make 'something' for me
seganla plk bler dikabarkan..
hee (^_~)v

Akk sayang Baba dan Umi selamanya!!!

ctnaquia esir

Salam Alaik

Just nak promote, sbb quya tau ramai kawan yg tgh melayan cite gler2 skrg ni.
Baek lelaki or perempuan yg bz melayan k-drama @ j-drama
apa kata korang tgk cite melayu plk
menarikla cerita nih..

tajuknya :

seyes ley bt air mata berjurai2~~
[as for me --> yes!]

dahla baca paper pasal suami pengantin baru meninggal slps 4 jam nikah
pastu tgk cite ni
lagila berload2 sedeynya~

elok2 abeh tgk cite nih
tuan rumah plk mai..
terkejut dy tgk mukaku yg sgt merah nih
sbb nanges la nyer pasai~

yang penting tgkla..ade guide da tuh..

ctnaquia esir
Salam Alaik

I really hope i can sleep after write this post
having difficulty to sleep yesterday is really annoying
pusingla arah mana pon, mata tetap degil
segar ja rasa
tp hati dan keinginan tetap NAK tdo


kenapa quya taley tdo jgk?? when i really HOPE i could have very deep sleep with enuf rest utk hadapi hari ini?? Walaupun hanya MID SEM EXAM..
[mgkn ada org yg pandang rendah pada markah exam nih, tp, as for me 40 MARKS are preciously counted marks!!..kurang satu markah boleh tentukan samada lulus atau gagal suatu exam]


MCQ...alhamdulillah, i know i answered all the questions. Tak tinggal apa2 langsung...i believed everybody answered all the qs ryte? Objectives qs ja pon...haha :P I really hope i scored this paper.


Subhanallah............pertama kali dalam hidup, diriku terasa terlalu takut yg gila2 tiba utk exam nih..padahal mock exam je pon..tremors, tachy, high BP, HR mmg of course increase, tapak tangan severe sudden hyperhydrosis daaaa~~~ sejuk semacam satu badan...ada 3 station, stp station, 8 minit. Namaku naik sebagai org pertama utk masuk exam. Wawawawa....kisah di setiap station tuh....tak sanggup nk cite..~~


I've planned few things to do after this exam. Tapi, setakat minit ini...almost all i need to cancel them. Remuk sangat rasa hati. Hmmm....sedih...when i really desperately want something, usually i wont get them straightly. I really want a pleasant 'holiday' before starting the new round in Neprology and Urology Department. Repeated, pleasent..not rushing, not in havoc environment. Taktau nk express mcm mne da. Tak terkata je rasa.

Tapelah...berfikiran positif!! Alhamdulillah quya da merancang, tapi yg berkuasa Menentukan pergi atau tidak, Allah SWT. Pasti ada hikmah disebalik yang terjadi. Quya yakin pada hakikat ini. Terima kasih pada yang turut sama merancang, and sori jgk kt korg2 sbb i have to cancel and cant join ur trip.

Buat masa nih, im tired, hopeless...tgh mencari sesuatu utk menaikkan kembali semangat pada diri sendiri. I just want to lead my life the best that i can, despite everything happened and on going recently and for the future of course!!

Need to start planning for my life starting tom. Draft da ade dlm kepala, tggl tulis je kt board kt bilik nih.

Moga hari esok lebih baik daripada hari ini. Akanku usahakan ke arah itu!!
[sambil nyanyikan lagu InsyaAllah-Maher Zain utk diri sendiri]

ctnaquia esir
Salam Alaik

Special wish to all students of :


Semester 1 - Semester 7

[Session : Oct 2009-Feb 2010]

May Allah bless our efforts towards this exam and best of luck!!

Solat hajat dulu sebelum keluar rumah, mohon ketenangan hati, dipermudahkan ketika menjawab serta selamat pergi dan pulang.

~lots of love~
ctnaquia esir

....Salam Alaik

i think i am so in love with Maher Zain's songs~
Its inspiring, motivating, and...
kinda romantic also, related to For The Rest of My Life song

Cant stop listening to his songs duh~

here i include 3 lyrics from his album
3 songs that i adore the most!!



Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can`t see which way to go
Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way

Everytime you can make one more mistake
You feel you can`t repent
And that its way too late
Your`re so confused,wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way
Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way

Turn to Allah
He`s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don`t let me go astray
You`re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way 2x
Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah we`ll find the way



look around yourselves
cant you see this wonder
spreaded in front of you
the clouds floating by
the skies are clear and blue
planets in the orbits
the moon and the sun
such perfect harmony
let's start question in ourselves
isnt this proof enough for us
or are we so blind
to push it all aside

we just have to
open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
if we just look bright to see the signs
we cant keep hiding from the truth
let it take us by suprise
take us in the best way
guide us every single day
keep us close to you
until the end of time

look inside yourselves
such a perfect order
hiding in yourselves
running i your veins
what about anger love and pain
and all the thing you are feeling
can you touch them with your hand
so are they really there
lets start question in ourselves
isnt this proof enough for us
or are we so blind
to push it all aside


when a baby's born
so helpless and weak
and you are watching him growing
so why deny
whats in front of your eyes
the biggest miracle of life


you created everything
we belong to you
Ya Rabb we raised our hand
Forever we thank you



For The Rest Of my Life
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say
For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I…I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say
*Repeat Chorus
I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally

Repeat Chorus
I know that deep in my heart..


Ok, now i determined to find n buy the album!!
For The Rest of My Life song is very special song la~~
melting when heard it for the 1st time
lalala :P


in conjuntion, im hereby
dedicating this few phrase to my hubby-to-be
[sume org nak kawen ape..xsalahkan? :P]

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I…I`ll be there for you

my dear hubby-to-be have to sing this song to me 1st.
ngiahaha :P

okke..need to stop blubbering~
till here then

ctnaquia esir

~Salam Alaik~

Since i spent lotsa time youtub'ing and surfing yesterday
i would to share some with u girls and guys
me currently listening to Maher Zain's songs
every single are easy listening
the lyrics are awesome!
understandable and straightly related with the song's title
sangat tenang bila mendengarnya..

I put all his songs in my IMEEM playlist
those who currently have IMEEM account, u can straightly listen to his songs here
just click below

To those u doesnt have the account, u can listen via Youtube, but there is no original MV...i think so~ maybe there is for some of the songs. Because yesterday i really went lil-a-bit crazy finding the MV and lyrics of Insya Allah and Open Your Eyes. But, still worth it to spend few times listening to the songs.

In his Album - Thank You Allah, songs are as listed below :

Maher Zain - Allahi Allah Kiya Karo (ft. Irfan Makki)
Maher Zain - Always Be There
Maher Zain - Awaken
Maher Zain - Hold My Hand
Maher Zain - Insha Allah
Maher Zain - Never Forget (ft. Mesut Kurtis)
Maher Zain - Palestine Will Be Free
Maher Zain - Thank You Allah
Maher Zain - The Chosen One
Maher Zain - Ya Nabi Salam Alayka

Enjoy the songs!

And to all Mansoura-Manchester students >> 'Enjoy' your time preparing for the exam. Salam Imtihan to everyone!!

ctnaquia esir
Harta paling untung SABAR
Teman paling akrab AMAL
Pengawal yang paling waspada DIAM
Bahasa yang paling indah SENYUM
Orang yang paaling MANIS
orang yang menghulurkan senyuman dengan IKHLAS
Kerana selain sedekah
Senyuman itu ibarat lukisan rahsia hati
& senyuman itu tidak menyakitkan


i am smiling when listen to this song

p/s: it is so obvious right when i am not smiling? friend will asking, ppl scared, n some of them even fright to say 'Hye' to me. Haha. Thx people for the concern ^_~

ctnaquia esir


Study tetap kena study
Nyah segala perkara yang nk mengacau jiwaku time raya2 nih
I deserved happiness!!
and i feel it every second during Eid!



[wee!! (^_^)v]

[sekitar rumah KC and rumah k.nadiah]



ctnaquia esir

Alhamdulillah Korban tahun ni dpt tgk dari mula sampai la abeh
dari haiwan sembelihan pertama sampai yang terakhir
macam2 berlaku..
ngee :D
alhamdulillah bangun awai..

ctnaquia esir

Life book is written by god
This shows the presence of lord
The wheel of life churning
From every Page we have one learning…

If the page contains dust then also it turned by us
New phase of life fade the rust…
Hurdles comes in your life in every next page
Never let your dreams into the cave

New mistakes of your life lead to progress
Wind blows and the next page of life with success of fragrance
A brush of laughter and happiness
Sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart

God has send a bundle of books in a huge cart
Each book story has different glory…
When each story reaches to its end
Then one has to bury in the sand

That’s life… which keeps on going….
And ultimately souls don’t get any land…
Again the new book with new story continuing…

ctnaquia esir
Salam Alaik.

Entri kali ini nak hebahkan pasal satu kartun yang agak femes kt YouTube. HAPPY TREE FRIENDS. Sesiapa yang rajin browse dan manfaatkan butang 'search' di youtube mungkin da terjumpa dgn kartun ini. Siapa da tgk?? Ganas kan?? seram ooo~ lg brani tgk cite thriller sbnr dr tgk kartun nih. Bayangkan kalau adik2 kita tgk. Apa kesannya pada mereka? Jadi pada abang-abang dan kakak-kakak sekalian, sila pantau adik2 anda yang sedang asyik menonton kartun di PC mahupun laptop.

Antara siri video Happy Tree Friends yang ditayangkan di You Tube

Happy Tree Friends : Concrete Solution [Part 1]

Happy Tree Friends : Concrete Solution [Part 2]

Selamat Berpuasa!!

p/s : Really spent a great evening yesterday. Thx to my parents, sibs, my dear, and pak tam's family ^_^

ctnaquia esir

Salam Alaik
Just wanna share few pics at Tuanku Mizan Mosque, Putrajaya. My family and i already came here for prayers and iftar for a few times as it is not far from our house. 10 minutes by car approximately~ I like this mosque above all mosques we have in Malaysia!! I love the environment, the architecture, the concepts [airy, light, and transparent...NO aircond!!] ^_^

  • Ruang solat (dewan utama, ruang terbuka dan dewan solat muslimat)
  • Tiga unit kuaters dua tingkat tiga bilik untuk kakitangan masjid
  • 10 unit bazar atau ruang niaga di dalam kawasan masjid
  • Bilik pameran mampu memuatkan 250 orang
  • Dapur
  • Bilik VIP
  • Bilik penyelenggaraan
  • Bilik jenazah
  • Pejabat
  • Bilik kawalan audio visual
  • Ruang letak kereta (bawah tanah)
  • Kiblat Walk – Ruang kolam umpama istana Al Hambra yang menghadap kiblat
  • Iwan Utama – Laluan gerbang utama menuju Sahn yang terukir Asma Ul Husna
  • Sahn – Kawasan laman menempatkan ruang solat terbuka dan padang
  • Dinding Mihrab – Kawasan ruang solat utama, ditempatkan cermin kaca dengan ukiran ayat Al Baqarah dan Ibrahim. Kelihatan seolah terapung di udara
  • RM180 juta – Kos pembinaan
  • 60,156 – Meter perseti, luas masjid
  • 20,000 – Kapasiti jemaah.

ctnaquia esir

detik waktu terus berjalan
berhias gelap dan terang
suka dan duka tangis dan tawa
tergores bagai lukisan

seribu mimpi berjuta sepi
hadir bagai teman sejati
di antara lelahnya jiwa
dalam resah dan air mata
kupersembahkan kepadaMu
yang terindah dalam hidup

meski ku rapuh dalam langkah
kadang tak setia kepadaMu
namun cinta dalam jiwa
hanyalah padaMu

maafkanlah bila hati
tak sempurna mencintaiMu
dalam dadaku harap hanya
diriMu yang bertahta

detik waktu terus berlalu
semua berakhir padaMu

  • Lagu ni sedap didengar
  • Promote video yang dibuat oleh jack jgk~

ctnaquia esir

I wished I could paint sweet smiles on faces of people I love more than mine.

I wanted to pull the threads of light, and make it shine on lives of people I’ve known.

I yearned to make a huge whirlwind, mustering and beating all the big troubles, and throwing them away.

I wanted to chase all silence, and welcome only giggles, and laughs.

I needed more eyes to make everyone feel the attention.

I hope nothing less, but everlasting loves, and cares and affection every single moment.

I wanted to peek over the fences in front of me, which look like some hurdles, and transform them into a bridge to a brand new world.

I longed to believe that Love doesn’t make the world go around but it makes the ride worthwhile.

I just hope I can keep wishing, and wishing prevails all the wishes for a happy ending, despite it means a whole life.


Wrote by one of my BFF.
Everything written by him is what i hope right now...

ctnaquia esir
Assalamualaikum wbt~~

Moodku sgtla terumbang-ambing skrg.
Alhamdulillah mangsa masih sorang..
Harap tak bertambah..

Gara2 petang semalamla nih...
kan da drive above 140km/j
p subang tak smpi stgh jam pon....
selalunya 45 minit dr bangi.

tak sukalaaa...
tak suka tgk dan hadapi situasi mcm nih
mcm mendidikku sikit demi sedikit utk ikut perangai begitu..
seakan semakin lama semakin meresap sifat buruk itu dlm diri~

tapi ade beberapa lg perkara tgh berlegar2 dalam kepala nih
so, bila kita pendam, perkara2 itu bertambah byk
bila perkara2 itu da byk ---> akan menghuru-harakan diri
bila diri da huru hara kat dalam ---> lama2 akan berlaku letusan
bila ada letusan ---> adalah mangsa
[ to mangsa : reda jelah ye..]

Khas buat Insan yang dia rasa dia telah mengganggu hidupku tanpa perasaan skrg nih,
nak lihat bagaimana drama yang mampu kamu hasilkan
sehebat mana, selama mana mampu kamu teruskan
nanti saya nak lihat, apa yang mampu kamu lakukan, jika perkara sama yang kamu buat pd saya sekarang, terjadi pada kamu. [kalau saya teringat nak lihatlah.....~]

buat diri sendiri...
dahla...buat ape pikirkan perkara yang boleh memakan diri
orang lain selamba ja kan?
kita pon redah jgkla..

Jangan sedih nakia
You are a strong tough girl!

p/s : Ini belog saya, ikut suka hatila saya nk tulis pasal ape. Read at your own risk! Diri sudah tidak mampu nak menampung dah. Nak cerita pon mcmlah org paham. I dont need a good listener, i need somebody who know how does it feel when ppl do such bad things to u. Somebody who experienced the same probs like me..

Happy independant day.
mmm, merdekakah kita?~

ctnaquia esir

Salam Alaik.
Selamat pagi ^_^

Dipanjatkan syukur yang teramat ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana telah mempermudahkan majlis iftar semalam. Walau terdapat beberapa kesulitan, namun berkat pertolongan Allah swt, segalanya berjalan lancar.

Alhamdulillah seperti yang dirancangkan, berlangsunglah Majlis Berbuka Puasa SKHB : Batch 1996-2000. Perkataan 'Majlis' ini mungkin akan disalah tafsir oleh anda, kerana majlis ini di lakukan di Restoran 'Lan Tom Yam' [kedai milik ibubapa Jaha] dan secara kecilan sahaja. Bukan berlangsung gahnya di Sekolah atau mana2 tempat yang lebih baik.

Namun nakia sangat gembira, syukur teramat, lega, seronok, sebab akhirnya, berjaya juga dikumpulkan sahabat2 lama ini. Alhamdulillah juga mereka sanggup turun ke Tanjong Malim untuk bersama-sama jayakan majlis ini. Alhamdulillah kerana tampak kegembiraan pada wajah mereka setelah berjumpa. Alhamdulillah, setelah 9 tahun, inilah saatnya kami berpeluang untuk bertemu kembali. Terima kasih ya Allah kerana permudahkan urusan kami.

Tika ni, pelbagai cerita hidup dapat didengari. Ada yang dah kawin, ada yang da ada anak, yang sudah bekerja, yang masih belajar....hmm..meningkat dewasa sudah semuanya. Berubah sudah rupa dan tingkah. Nakia ke majlis ini berbekalkan memori zaman sekolah rendah. Bila tengok sorang2 datang...Ya Allah, lainnya muka...yang dulu gemuk, skrg da kurus...yang dulu biasa je tgk, skrg da kacak, da lawa...yang makin 'sihat' pon ade. Macam2lah.

Semuanya rancak bercerita dan bertanya tentang kisah masing-masing ^_^

Namun, disebalik majlis ini, banyak juga likunya. Sepatutnya, majlis ini dianjurkan di rumah pasangan Cikgu Maziah dan Cikgu Othman, bekas guru BM dan Sains kami. Namun Allah juga Maha Berkuasa atas segalanya. Dia Maha Penentu segala ketetapan yang ada. Ayah Cikgu Maziah kembali ke rahmatullah pada ahad lepas. Oleh itu, majlis terpaksa ditangguhkan. Setelah berbincang dgn Irfan [Ketua Batch yg dilantik cikgu ketika kami melawat sekolah minggu lepas], kami putuskan untuk teruskan majlis ini, tanpa mengganggu cikgu.

Maka bermulalah kerja kami berdua...mencari, memanggil, menjemput, memikirkan tempat, menu dan segala yang patut. Terima kasih pada sahabat lain yang turut membantu kami. Tak mampu nak membalas segala bantuan korang semua. Cukuplah disimpan sendiri oleh kami segala yang berlaku disebalik majlis ini, pengalaman yang diperoleh cukup berharga.

Usai berbuka puasa, nampak sangat semua berat kaki nak berganjak. Dok rancak2 berborak lagi. [risau ni....marghib weyh!!]. Pastu the girls beredar ke rumah Teha, solat disana, teruskan borak2, dan sleepover kt sne jgk. Honestly, nakia sgt jeles sbb tak dpt join. Nakia perlu segera pulang ke Bangi. Yelah, lepas ni dapat lagi ke peluang mcm nih?? bila? Buat lelaki pula, usai solat, mereka berkumpul lagi di Dusun Bay. Kata irfan semuanya seronok berborak-borak. My story pon terkuar jgk rupanya, then dpt msg dr sorang2, tetiba ja ucap tahniah dan etc2. Thanks sangat2, doakan nakia, doakan kami, moga segala perancangan kami selari dengan perancangan Allah swt. InsyaAllah, ada progress, adalah kad jemputan ^_^

Sekalung penghargaan buat :

Irfan : Terima kasih dan minta maaf buat segalanya. [ni antara nakia dan irfan ja,..biarlah rahsia. huhu]

Jaha : Thanks a lot juga!! thanks for the photos, thanks for the book.
thanks! thanks! thanks!

Am : Thanks sbb tolong kumpulkan orang, mostly the guys.

Natrah : Thanks sbb banyak beri no sahabat2 kat nakia

Teha : Thanks sbb banyak bertanya [plg rajin msg nih, pastu stp msg pjg2 ya amat ^^. teha2~]. Maaf lupa bg cd, maaf sbb tak dpt nak sleepover kt ur house beramai. Really need to rush back to bangi.

Dan terima kasih buat semua yang hadir, yang membantu secara langsung dan tidak langsung.

Gambar2 semalam nanti saya dan irfan akan collect dari jaha, dan insyaAllah akan diberi pada semua. [bak kata irfan sbb ini adalah kenangan kita semua bersama2 setelah 9 tahun, lepas ini tak tahu bila lagi]

Maklumat diri terkini semua yang hadir semalam & telah mengisi borang yang telah nakia sediakan akan dimelkan pada anda semua. Diharapkan dengan segala maklumat diri yang telah anda semua catatkan, ukhwah yang ada dapat terus dikekalkan.

Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa buat semua! (^_^)v

To my lil sis : Ummu Atyyah binti Mohamad Isa, Selamat Hari Lahir ke-15 semalam. Kakak doakan segala yang terbaik utkmu dunia wa akhirat.

ctnaquia esir